
Natalie's way of making Russian borsch

tasty bowl of borsch

Russian music and Russian food just go together

Borsch is an autumn vegetable soup, made with and because of the harvest. There is no standard recipe for Borsch. Every person cooks it differently. Moreover, it comes out differently each time -- even when using the same recipe. The secret is in the ingredients: freshness of the vegetables, from what garden they came, what spices are available, etc.

If you would sample Borsch in Russia, going from north to south you would see it getting more and more colorful. The South simply has more vegetables available. Way up north, the main ingredient is cabbage. In fact, in Northern Russia shchee replaces borsch. Shchee is usually made with specially prepared sauerkraut. OK! Let's cook now.

tasty bowl of shchee

Prepare a vegetable soup stock. Add veggies: beets, carrots, couple of small potatoes, onions, cabbage, fresh tomatoes (in season). When almost done add a can of beans, fresh parsley & dill, salt & other spices to taste. Everyone cooks Borshch somewhat differently using whatever they have on hand (celery, parsnip, etc.). And other veggies in season -- green beans, peas, pea-pods, etc. In addition to the above, use your own imagination with products you like (taste, smell -- see if things go together). Some people use barley, millet, lentils, etc in place of dry beans (kidney beans). Enjoy! Mama.
